
Ramon Elizondo, RN

Registered Nurse

Ramon Elizondo, RN

Meet Ramon Elizondo, RN

Registered Nurse

Ramon Elizondo is a licensed registered nurse (745570) with 15 years of direct patient care experience in Southern California. Born and raised on the border between Tijuana and San Diego, Ramon is a native Spanish speaker and fully bilingual in both English and Spanish. He has a passion for working with a diverse population of patients, both medically and culturally.

After graduating from San Diego State University, Ramon specialized in cardiothoracic surgical nursing. He trains and mentors fellow nurses in providing non-pathologizing responses to psychiatric and psychedelic crises in hospital, triage, and nightlife settings, including Burning Man, Boom, and Lightning in a Bottle...as well as the less glamorous Los Angeles Medical Center at Kaiser Permanente. 

At the center since 2018, Ramon has supported the community in safely accessing psychedelic medicine.